How many calories are in Alice Springs chicken?

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the delicious world of Alice Springs Chicken, a popular dish known for its rich flavor and nutritional value. From its origins to its place on your dinner table, we’ll explore every aspect of this beloved meal. Whether you’re a calorie-conscious diner, a home cook looking for new recipes, or simply curious about this dish’s nutritional profile, this article has got you covered. So, let’s embark on this flavorful journey!

Alice Springs chicken

Introduction to Alice Springs Chicken

Alice Springs Chicken, a name that often tickles the taste buds of many, originated as a signature dish of Outback Steakhouse. This culinary delight has garnered a fan base for its unique blend of flavors and hearty ingredients. It’s not just a meal; it’s a reflection of culinary artistry, combining chicken, honey mustard sauce, mushrooms, cheese, and bacon into a mouth-watering ensemble.

For those who are mindful of their meal choices, our Chicken Cobbler recipe is another delicious option that balances flavor and nutrition.

General Nutritional Overview

When it comes to nutrition, Alice Springs Chicken is a bit of a paradox. On one hand, it’s packed with protein, thanks to the generous chicken serving. On the other, it’s also quite rich in calories and fats, primarily from the cheese and bacon. This dish strikes a balance between indulgence and nutrition, making it a favorite for those who love a hearty meal but also keep an eye on their dietary intake.

In the next section, we’ll delve deeper into the nutritional specifics of this dish, breaking down its caloric content and analyzing its macronutrient profile. Stay tuned as we unravel the nutritional tapestry of Alice Springs Chicken, a dish that’s as intriguing as it is delicious!

In the upcoming Part 2, we’ll dissect the detailed nutritional information of Alice Springs Chicken, providing insights into its caloric content and the balance of carbs, proteins, and fats. This will be an eye-opener for those who love the dish and want to understand its impact on their diet. Stay tuned!

Detailed Nutritional Information

Diving into the heart of Alice Springs Chicken, let’s talk numbers – specifically, calories. A typical serving of this dish contains around 740 to 780 calories. It’s a substantial amount, considering an average adult’s daily caloric needs. This high caloric content primarily stems from the rich ingredients like cheese and bacon, making it a dish best enjoyed in moderation.

Macronutrients – Carbs, Proteins, Fats

Macronutrients are the cornerstone of any diet, and Alice Springs Chicken is a powerhouse in this regard. With about 74 grams of protein per serving, it’s a muscle-building champion. The protein comes mainly from the chicken, making it an excellent choice for those looking to up their protein intake.

Carbohydrates are relatively low, hovering around 12 to 16 grams per serving. This makes it a decent option for those on a low-carb diet. However, the sugar content, primarily from the honey mustard sauce, is something to be mindful of.

Fats are where this dish really ramps up, with about 45 to 47 grams per serving. The fats are a mix of saturated and unsaturated types, coming from the cheese, bacon, and chicken. While fats are essential for our body, the high amount in this dish means it’s best consumed in moderation, especially for those watching their fat intake.

Micronutrients – Vitamins and Minerals

While Alice Springs Chicken isn’t particularly known for being a micronutrient-rich dish, it does offer some vitamins and minerals. The chicken provides a good source of B-vitamins, essential for energy metabolism. There’s also a decent amount of calcium from the cheese, which is crucial for bone health.

However, it’s also high in sodium, with about 1600 mg per serving, which is a significant portion of the recommended daily intake. Those with hypertension or heart issues should consider this when indulging in this dish.

Interested in comparing other chicken dishes? Check out the nutritional profile of our Smoked Chicken Breast recipe.

In Part 3, we’ll compare Alice Springs Chicken with other popular dishes, giving you a broader perspective on where it stands in terms of calories and nutrients. This comparison will help you make informed choices when dining out or cooking at home. Stay tuned for more insights!

Caloric Comparison with Other Dishes

Explore the caloric landscape of Alice Springs Chicken in Part 3 of our comprehensive guide. We compare it with other chicken dishes and popular restaurant meals, offering insights for calorie-conscious diners. Discover how this beloved dish stacks up in the world of dining options

Chicken breast with vegetables

Alice Springs Chicken vs. Other Chicken Dishes

When we stack Alice Springs Chicken against other chicken-based dishes, it’s quite the heavyweight. For instance, a classic grilled chicken breast, known for its lean profile, contains about 165 calories per 100 grams. In contrast, Alice Springs Chicken, with its rich toppings and sauce, packs a much higher caloric punch. This comparison highlights the impact of added ingredients like cheese and bacon on the overall caloric content of a dish.

Comparison with Other Popular Restaurant Meals

Comparing Alice Springs Chicken to other popular restaurant meals further illustrates its place in the calorie spectrum. A typical cheeseburger, for instance, can range from 700 to 1,000 calories, putting Alice Springs Chicken in a similar ballpark. However, compared to a light salad with grilled chicken, which might only be around 300-400 calories, Alice Springs Chicken is definitely on the higher end of the scale.

This comparison is crucial for those who dine out frequently and are mindful of their calorie intake. Understanding how Alice Springs Chicken stacks up against other menu options can guide better choices for a balanced diet.

In Part 4, we’ll delve into the health and diet considerations of Alice Springs Chicken. This section will be particularly useful for those with specific dietary needs or health goals. We’ll explore how this dish fits into various diets and what to be aware of in terms of allergens and dietary restrictions. Stay tuned for these essential insights!

Health and Diet Considerations

When it comes to fitting Alice Springs Chicken into various diets, it’s a bit like trying to solve a culinary puzzle. For the protein lovers and gym enthusiasts, this dish is a dream come true. Boasting a whopping 74 grams of protein per serving, it’s akin to hitting the protein jackpot. But, here’s the rub: if you’re watching your waistline or keeping tabs on your fat intake, Alice Springs Chicken might just set off some alarm bells. With around 45 grams of fat per serving, it’s a dish that demands mindful consumption.

Now, for those navigating the choppy waters of a low-carb diet, Alice Springs Chicken can be a safe harbor. The carb content is relatively low, but remember, the devil is in the details – or in this case, the honey mustard sauce, which can be a sneaky source of added sugars.

But fear not! With a few clever tweaks, this dish can transform to suit various dietary needs. Think of using a leaner cut of chicken or waving goodbye to a slice of cheese. For more ingenious ways to adapt recipes to your health goals, a visit to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics for some Healthy Cooking Tips might just be what the doctor ordered.

Allergens and Dietary Restrictions

Navigating the world of food allergens and dietary restrictions can often feel like walking through a minefield. Alice Springs Chicken, in its traditional form, is a no-go zone for the lactose intolerant and gluten-sensitive folks. Dairy and gluten are the usual suspects here, lurking in the shadows of this otherwise delightful dish.

And let’s chat about sodium – this dish packs a punch with about 1600 mg per serving. If you’re someone who needs to keep a lid on your sodium intake, perhaps due to hypertension or heart concerns, this might be a red flag. It’s always wise to have a heart-to-heart with your healthcare provider or a dietitian. They can offer tailor-made advice that aligns with your health journey.

For those looking to balance their plate with a variety of nutrients while juggling dietary restrictions, the USDA’s Dietary Guidelines are like a lighthouse guiding you through the nutritional fog. They offer a wealth of information to help you make informed and healthful choices in your diet.

In Part 5, we’re rolling up our sleeves and heading into the kitchen. Get ready to whip up your very own Alice Springs Chicken, with a twist. We’ll share a classic recipe and sprinkle in some tips for making it healthier. Whether you’re a culinary wizard or just starting out, these insights will help you bring a touch of Outback magic right into your home kitchen. Stay tuned for a delicious adventure!

Cooking Alice Springs Chicken at Home

Roll up your sleeves and get ready to bring the sizzle of Alice Springs Chicken into your own kitchen. This part not only guides you through the classic recipe but also offers clever tweaks for a healthier version. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a kitchen newbie, these tips will help you create a culinary masterpiece that’s both delicious and mindful of your health.

Alice Springs chicken at home

Recipe and Preparation

Embarking on the culinary journey of preparing Alice Springs Chicken, you’ll need to gather some key players: boneless chicken breasts, honey mustard sauce, fresh mushrooms, crispy bacon strips, and a blend of shredded cheddar and Monterey Jack cheese. The secret lies in the harmony of these ingredients, each bringing its unique flavor to the table.

Start by marinating the chicken in a rich honey mustard sauce, letting it soak up all those tangy and sweet flavors. Meanwhile, in a separate pan, sauté the mushrooms until they’re golden and tender, a dance of earthy aromas filling your kitchen. The bacon, oh the bacon, should be cooked to a perfect crispness, its smoky notes promising to add a crunch to the dish.

Grill the chicken to perfection, ensuring it’s thoroughly cooked yet retains its juiciness. The grand finale involves layering the chicken with the sautéed mushrooms, crispy bacon, and a generous sprinkle of the cheese blend. A quick stint under the broiler and voilà, the cheese melts into a golden, bubbly delight, crowning the dish with its gooey glory.

Adjusting Ingredients for Healthier Variations

Now, let’s pivot to a healthier rendition of this classic. Consider swapping the traditional bacon for turkey bacon, a leaner alternative that still packs a flavorful punch. Choosing low-fat cheese can significantly reduce the saturated fat content without sacrificing the melty cheese experience we all crave.

Crafting your own honey mustard sauce can be a game-changer, especially for those mindful of their sugar intake. By using natural sweeteners and adjusting the sugar levels, you can create a sauce that’s both flavorful and better for your health.

And here’s a little nugget of wisdom: complement your Alice Springs Chicken with a side of vibrant, steamed vegetables or a crisp, green salad. This not only adds a spectrum of nutrients and fiber to your meal but also introduces a refreshing contrast to the rich, savory flavors of the chicken.

In Part 6, we’ll explore the Frequently Asked Questions about Alice Springs Chicken. From nutritional nuances to culinary curiosities, we’ll address the most common inquiries, providing you with a well-rounded understanding of this beloved dish. Stay tuned for a treasure trove of insights that will deepen your appreciation and knowledge.

Frequently Asked Questions about Alice Springs Chicken

In this section, we delve into the most commonly asked questions. From its nutritional profile to cooking tips, we cover a range of queries to satisfy your curiosity and enhance your understanding of this popular dish.

Q1: How Can I Make Alice Springs Chicken Healthier?

To make it healthier, consider using skinless chicken breasts to reduce fat content. Opt for low-fat cheese and turkey bacon as healthier alternatives. You can also increase the dish’s nutritional value by serving it with a side of steamed vegetables or a fresh salad, adding essential vitamins and fiber to your meal.

Q2: Is Alice Springs Chicken Suitable for a Low-Carb Diet?

Yes, it can be suitable for a low-carb diet. The carb content is relatively low, primarily coming from the honey mustard sauce. To further reduce carbs, you can prepare a homemade honey mustard sauce with low-sugar content.

Q3: What Are Some Common Allergens in Alice Springs Chicken?

Common allergens in Alice Springs Chicken include dairy (from the cheese) and gluten (if the dish is served with bread or if the sauce contains gluten). Always check the ingredients if you have specific food allergies or intolerances.

Q4: How Many Calories Are in a Serving of Alice Springs Chicken?

A typical serving of Alice Springs Chicken contains approximately 740 to 780 calories. The calorie count can vary based on the preparation method and portion size.

Q5: Can I Prepare Alice Springs Chicken in Advance?

Yes, you can prepare parts of Alice Springs Chicken in advance. You can marinate the chicken and cook the bacon and mushrooms ahead of time. Assemble and broil the dish with cheese just before serving to ensure it’s fresh and delicious.

In the concluding Part 7, we’ll wrap up our comprehensive exploration of Alice Springs Chicken. We’ll summarize the key points and offer final thoughts and recommendations, providing you with a holistic view of this delightful dish. Stay tuned for our wrap-up, which will leave you well-equipped to enjoy it in the healthiest and most delicious ways possible.


Alice Springs Chicken, a beloved dish from Outback Steakhouse, is more than just a meal; it’s a symphony of flavors and textures. With its rich combination of chicken, honey mustard sauce, mushrooms, bacon, and cheese, it’s a dish that promises satisfaction and indulgence. However, with great flavor comes great responsibility, especially when it comes to nutrition.

We’ve learned that while it is high in protein, it also comes with a significant calorie count and fat content. This makes it a dish best enjoyed in moderation, particularly for those mindful of their calorie and fat intake. For the health-conscious, we’ve explored ways to tweak the recipe, such as using leaner cuts of chicken, opting for low-fat cheese, and making a homemade honey mustard sauce to reduce sugar content.

Looking for a lighter meal option? Our Air Fryer Chicken Patties offer a healthier alternative that’s just as tasty.

Moreover, we’ve addressed common dietary concerns and allergens, highlighting the importance of adapting the dish to meet individual dietary needs and restrictions. Whether it’s modifying the recipe to suit a low-carb diet or being mindful of allergens like dairy and gluten, Alice Springs Chicken can be customized to fit various dietary preferences.

In conclusion, Alice Springs Chicken is a versatile and flavorful dish that can be enjoyed in many forms. Whether you’re dining out or cooking at home, this dish can be adapted to suit your dietary needs and preferences. Remember to balance indulgence with nutrition, and don’t be afraid to get creative in the kitchen.

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